Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Question of Residency??????

The following article was taken from the WKSR website.

Abdo Residency Questioned
Posted on September 16, 2010

Pulaski mayoral candidate Pete Abdo’s residency has come into question. The candidate contacted WKSR today, saying that he provided proof this week of his residency at 461 Longmeadow Circle.

Administrator of Elections Kathy Bassham tells WKSR that no formal written complaint has been filed. Bassham says she received a verbal complaint earlier in the week concerning Abdo’s address and she wanted to get everything verified before a formal written complaint was filed.

Bassham would not release the name of the complainant because a formal written complaint has not been filed.

Abdo says that he was contacted by the election commission office and was asked to provide bills and a signed notarized affidavit stating his current address.

Abdo is running for the Pulaski Mayors office along with Vickie Harwell, Pat Ford, James “Pike” Gentry and James W. Harwell in the November city election.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What Does Reggie Bush Have To Do With Giles County?

Reggie Bush by every account is an incredible football player. A super star in the NFL, he has a Super Bowl ring, he's never missed a game or practice because he was in jail.
By most considerations he is seen a a very likable, nice young man with great talent.
Reggie Bush has been forced to give back the Heisman Trophy he was awarded in 2005 because one of the few rules is a player must be in compliance with NCAA rules to be eligible for the award.
Mr. Bush, although he received 2,541 votes the second highest number of votes in the history of the Trophy, because he violated the rules now has been stripped of the trophy and all the records he set in 2005 and his team must forfeit 14 victories because, outside Giles County, there is a penalty for not following the rules.

Now how does that translate to Giles County? In the recent county commission elections a candidate who did not comply with the rules and was not eligible to be on the ballot yet received enough votes to be elected. The difference is that in Giles County it matters more who you are than what the rules are, so in-spite of not being eligible to receive any votes the decision stands, at least for now.
I'll bet Reggie Bush wishes the mind set in Giles County was present with the NCAA.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tim Turner Responds to Tourism Move

So I guess I'll chime in finally, having received many phone calls, emails, and words of support. Also a couple of not so happy people, I figured I'd set the record straight and address a couple of comments made here so there's no confusion about this situation.
First off my decision to inform Mr. Barrett about the happening at the Aug 21 property meeting. Myself, nor the Tourism organization were ever informed about a "pending" situation of the THP. Not that we had to be, but I would imagine that as a professional courtesy someone would have said "hey-we have a situation, what can we do to solve this impending problem?" The public announcement about the property meeting included a discussion about the THP's rent issue--and "storage” in the basement. But Mr. Jackson apparently had already solved the problem as the contract that Tourism signed was presented to the commissioners at the meeting...if we weren't to be discussed? then why the preparation of the contract? In fact--Tourism will/would be happy to accommodate the request. The issue is and never has been against the THP, they are a vital part of the county. I even conveyed that to the 2 officers there after I left the meeting, that situation was not of their doing.
Next, my sole source of frustration with this is the fact that when I asked if the committee would be willing to discuss alternatives for us, the discussion was squashed. Simply put, except for Terry Harwell & David Adams speaking up and asking to hear from me about it, there was no consideration or care about where we went--as long as we went. Had I not been there, I’d have known nothing about it. That was very confusing seeing as how we've have enjoyed the support of the full commission for the most part having them support the reason for the move in the first place. The fact that this wasn't a full commission meeting was also the reason for telling Mr. Barrett the outcome and decision because not only does he attend most meetings but I figured we'd have to have the support of the Full commission before the next meeting and I needed help in getting the word out.
I've seen the issue about revenge? No I do not think it's a revenge issue. I am bound by our organization's charter that we do not endorse, participate, or campaign for ANY side. Hence the reason you never saw a particular candidate on our calendar or on the Tourism Facebook/Twitter sites. I’ve heard that since I went to Scott Stewarts house night of the election is the source of contention--well it's not a stretch to realize that not only is Scott a nice guy, but my relationship stems (if it’s anybodies business) from the fact that he covered meetings (before he decided to run) and works for the paper-which I contribute an article to from time to time---and by the way, the man invited me to his house. I didn't turn down anyone else's invitation as I had none, So I'd expect more than people to think it was as shallow as "campaign support" as I displayed none. The paper had a statement from Mr. Jackson that we’d received 20K the last couple of years and we could afford to pay rent...really? Actually and thankfully we received 17,100.00 the last 2 years having felt the cutbacks of 10% like everyone else, plus the bonus of the rent free area we enjoyed the last year. That’s the reason for the revelation of my salary, to demonstrate that we are a small organization, not to rally sympathy, give me a break. . If someone had an issue with something I did as an employee the proper thing to do would be to take it up with the Board for which I answer to, not me or my organization after the fact. I do what my board asks/instructs me to do, except for informing Mr. Barrett the outcome of the 21st meeting and this post as I’m sure it will not be popular. After all is said and done, apparently as I stated in the paper--the issue will not even go before the Full commission on Monday Sept 20th. I received my official letter today stating that we had 60 days to vacate the office.
If anyone would like to call about what I have said, I’d be happy to discuss it, not that I’d like to dwell on it, it’s happened and we will move on and forward, but what has been said is what happened. I sure wont be going back on it no matter how unpopular it is painted. I and my board have worked hard to do some neat things, and my board is made up of good people who have supported me, I hate that they may suffer someone elses dislike of me or my accomplishments no matter how small they may be perceived. This is a great county and I enjoy promoting it and will continue to do so. Thanks
Tim Turner: Tourism Director
931-478-0880 C