Why Is The County Attorney So Defensive About A Simple Question?
There was a meeting of the County Legislative Committee held last night at the Annex.
Those in attendance were Commission Members Mrs. Faulkner, Chairman; Mrs. Howell; Mrs. Reece; Mr. Carpenter; Mrs. Coleman; Mr. Jackson sat in for Mr. Wilburn. Mr. Beech, a member was absent. Also in attendance were the County Attorney; Mr Manke from the paper and three citizens. There were no deputies present.
The county attorney presented an extensive list of reasons why the nuisance laws passed in 2000 haven't been enforced, and no plan to enforce them now exist. This was termed unacceptable and a motion was approved to research and compile information needed to adopt an enforcement authority.
Among other topics discussed was the need to adopt clear language fund balance levels for each department of county government and comply with them.
Another question was whether there must be fifteen members, all appointed by the County Executive, on the Planning Commission. It was stated that each member is paid $30.00 per meeting and they meet ten times a year at a cost of $4,500.00. While the county is required to have this Commission to maintain it's three star rating it is unclear if it must have fifteen members or if less would suffice.
The second part of the meeting involved the question I was allowed to ask the county attorney. "A letter was sent to me and the commissioners denying me the privilege to speak at the last Commission Meeting. In that letter it was stated that you advised that state law prevented me from speaking. What was the specific Tennessee Code Annotated number that you used to make that decision?"
Mrs Henson's response took almost everyone by surprise when she stated, "you have two attorneys ask them".
I stated, "you're the one who used the code I just want to know what it was". Mrs Henson, "I'm not going to tell you, ask your attorney".
I stated that, "there was no TCA that prevented me speaking" to which Mrs Henson very red-faced left the meeting and the meeting was adjourned.
The question is one of credibility on the County Attorney's part. If there is a Tennessee Code Annotated that prevented me from speaking simply tell what it is and that's the end of the story. If there is no T.C.A. number and the whole thing was simply made up then she needs to apologize and resign as county attorney. The credibility of the county attorney is of immense importance and reflects on the full commission and all the county. If this decision was based on imaginary Codes and unsupportable what else has she advised on that is of questionable legality?