Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Startling Revelations From Today's County Budget Committee Meeting

There were three really amazing events revealed at the Budget Committee Meeting this morning.
There was no approvals or disapproval's today only a number of departments presenting their request for the coming year's budget.

The first amazing thing was the fact that the only department, the Highway Department, that has consistently endured budget cuts was the only one presenting today that provided the most comprehensive reason for increasing their budget yet were the only one that ended their presentation with their commitment to doing what they could with what they were given. Almost every other presentation involved the idea that they just couldn't exist with one less penny.

The second amazing presentation was from Mr. David Rackley speaking on behalf of the Industrial Development  Board. In his presentation Mr Rackley seemed to insult the intelligence of every person in the room by say he had "been through the budget with a fine tooth comb and cut practically everything". Now the question is if the budget for last year was drastically cut or even suffered a razor burn how come they were asking from more this year $5,000.00 more from the county? When this question was asked by Commissioner Pollard, a member of the Budget Committee, bully tactics were quickly incorporated and he was verbally attacked my Mr. Rackley as wrong even though Commissioner Pollard showed him the numbers in black and white from the budget. Mr. Rackley even included an audience member, who had not said a single word to that point,. in his abusive rant. It seems if you are asking the Budget Committee for an increase in your budget it should at least be based of truthful information and the members should not be treated with such utter contempt.

Now the third revelation that come up was a shocker to everyone in the room. Question, how do you make $4,200.00 in two weeks working for the county in addition to your regular county salary? Understand that at $50.00 an hour the person would have to work at least 84 hours of overtime which is more overtime than regular duty hours. As was stated by the perplexed commissioners and County Executive we'll have to wait until Roy "Director of the Ambulance Service" comes in tomorrow with his budget, until then everyone was left shaking their heads.

Budget Committee meets again tomorrow, Thursday, at 9:30 AM.  

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Memorial Day 2013

This week is Memorial Day weekend. To many it marks the beginning of summer, no more school, the beach, the lake, sales, picnics, races and cook-outs, etc, etc. Like almost every other National Holiday Memorial Day for the most part has gotten far away from it's roots. The significance of Memorial Day is seldom taught in school anymore and even less in the home. 

Memorial Day was established as a day of remembrance, originally as Decoration Day after the Civil War to commemorate both Union and Confederate soldiers who died in that war. Later it was officially extended to remember and honor all Americans who have died while in military service. 

I find it rather awkward when people announce, "have a happy Memorial Day". The only happiness I can muster at remembering the dead is in the hope they are now in Heaven. 

For many, they will be flying the flag this week-end, I would remind folks that there is specific protocol for flying the flag. There are only two times the flag is officially flown at half staff, by order of the president or by order of the governor. In recent years it has become acceptable for some department heads and ship commanders to order the flag flown at half staff and half mast but that is not the official procedure. The flag is not flown at half staff the entire week-end but only from sunrise to noon on Memorial Day its self. At noon the flag should be returned quickly to its position at the top of the staff. Of course the flag should always be lowered slowly and raised quickly and the flag should never be flown at night unless it is illuminated.