Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Friday, November 14, 2008

School Board Approves $10,000.00 Life Insurance Policy For Employees??????

At last night’s School Board Meeting and after almost a year of preparation and procrastination, the School Board approved the bids for $10,000.00 in life insurance for each school employee. On the surface this seems like a very generous and worthwhile benefit but, as is often the case in Giles County, very little is as it seems.

The request by the Board was for insurance carriers to provide bids to supply $10,000.00 in life insurance coverage. The bids after much wrangling and attempts to get it right were finally opened a week ago and discussed. Last night was the official approval with a company from Alabama, getting the bid having beat out a local carrier by less than $300.00.
Now as Paul Harvey says here’s “the rest of the story”. The Alabama agent “AXA” provides a declining policy which means when a person reaches a certain age the amount of payout goes down. So if you happen to be seventy years old or older and happen to die you only get $5,000.00 not $10,000.00. The Board has had this same type of declining insurance policy for employees for a number of years.
The local agent had offered a non-declining policy which means as long as the policy is in effect regardless of your age if you die you get the full $10,000.00.

Now to make the situation even more interesting in the past when a TEACHER died if they had reached the age where the policy paid less than $10,000.00 the school system would take money from the general funds and make up the difference. However if a BUSDRIVER or NON-TEACHER died and they had reached the age where the policy paid less than $10,000.00 they were just out of luck. In simplest terms if a seventy year old teacher died they got $10,000.00 but if anyone else at age seventy, with the same exact policy, died they got only $5,000.00.

Does this seem fair and equable to have and/or continue such a policy? Would it not have been much simpler to accept the insurance with a non declining payout instead of committing to take money out of general school funds and make up the difference? As has been stated in response to the question, “what happens if four people die and the school system has to pay out $20,000.00 where does the money come from? “We’ll have to go to the commission and ask for more funds.”

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Nepotism is alive and well in Giles County !!!!!

With the appointment of former deputy Dustin Sigmon to a job in the Clerk & Master's office there seems to be no shortage of jobs for those with family in county and city government.

There are a couple of questions that need to be answered about this appointment.
1. Was this job position posted and advertised so other people might have the opportunity to apply and be considered? If it was not advertised can there be any assurance the best qualified person is now in the job?
2. What are the qualification for this position and were those qualifications met or exceeded by Mr. Sigmon?