Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Thursday, August 09, 2012

School director Resigns!!!!!!!!!

At the School Board Meeting tonight the Director of schools, under pressure from the majority of Board members, agreed to retire effective next month.

Has the Hospital Money Gone The Way of Other Vanishing County Money???

News from the Financial Management Committee held this morning. The are twelve unidentified applicants for the job of Financial Management Director. All twelve of these applicants are planned to be interviewed  next Thursday beginning at 9 AM in the courthouse annex.

The most revealing thing at the meeting this morning was being told by Commissioner Pope and Campbell that there is no more hospital funds and that the commissioners  no longer refer to the hospital funds they are now general funds. Of these general funds, that used to be hosp ital funds, nine million will be used to pay off two school bonds some invested with the interest used to buy new ambulances and fire trucks  and the rest will be used for general expenses. There are no plans currently to restore the "Hospital Funds" or reserves or  replace under any name. I guess when you spend more than a million each year over the budget it shouldn't take long to blow through that $15,000,000.00 wait they already siphoned off a million that was approved by the commission that leaves $14,000,000.00 no wait there was another million or so that was taken without approval so there is, truth of the matter is there is no telling what is left, but one thing is as sure as the nose on your face, there will be nothing left after the budget allergic spend happy folks that love the way things were done two hundred years ago get finished with it.

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

The Charter Failed, and The People Lost!

Well, the Charter failed and the people lost a real opportunity to come out from under the thumb of an overbearing few who hold power and have used it to enrich themselves and their families.
Some county/city employees used government equipment and government time to spread the most vicious lies that would make even Chicago gangster/politicians cringe at their boldness.

The small turn out of voters stated that they would rather pay higher taxes and have less say; would rather believe outrageous lies instead of respond to the truth; let others abuse them than take responsibility for their lives; and remain as it was imagined 200 years ago than face reality. Is there any wonder, with the prevailing unwelcome attitude toward outsiders and anyone not toeing the mark, that this county continues to actually lose population and it's financial base.

The votes have been cast, now live with it but I certainly don't know how some could look in the mirror after the lies they used.