Have you ever wondered why the people who are supposed to be in charge and setting the example seem to show the least amount of concern for procedures and requirements? It's embarrassing to hear commissioners who are charged with such great responsibilities read a statement that makes absolutely no sense. I understand that this is not completely their doing since the statement is supplied by the County Executive and she should carry the majority of the blame for such irresponsibility but shouldn't commissioners examine what it is that they are reading and require that it be appropriate? Why does it seem so difficult for people to question the County Executive especially when she is so obviously wrong? Now it may seem a small matter to many but when the small things are neglected don't the larger things soon follow, "for the want of a nail a battle was lost". Perhaps that is why such things such as a non existent interlocal agreement with the city on the airport doesn't get questioned for years and years they just keep on paying and paying.
Why does it take two months for the county attorney to get an appointment with the City Manager, is he that busy, I doubt it's a problem he has as much as a problem with the time challenged County Attorney based on the record of her slowness in dealing with the by-pass/interstate development.
Here is what the county commissioners read when there is a question of a conflict of interest. "Because I am a Giles County Commissioner I may have a conflict etc." Do some automatically have a conflict because they are commissioners? That is what they are reading, "Because I am a Giles County Commissioner I may have a conflict..." The conflict is not because they are a Commissioner but because they are employees of the county or the school system or a close relative is an employee of the county or school system. It seems rather hard to believe that voting on the amount of money that goes directly or indirectly into one's pocket would not be a conflict of interest and simply saying that it isn't would carry any weight but it does seem that the least that could be done is that the appropriate words would be read in the declaration of any non conflict declarations.