Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Monday, June 02, 2014

Free Meals For School Children This Coming School Year

When school starts again one big change will be that students will no longer be charged for their meals. Of course this will be a great financial benefit to those parents who have been paying large amounts for those meals. I certainly celebrate that the children and parents will both benefit from not having this expense.

As with all "free" things there are questions that must be asked. With this program being totally funded for only one year by taxmoney through the federal government what will happen next year when the funding runs out? Will the federal government again step in and pay the full amount or will they as usual start something then expect the local governments to pick up the price tags? When I have asked this question I have been told "I don't know about next year, I'm just be glad we have it this year". Because one asks about future finances does not mean one is unhappy with what is available today. If the county is going to be hit with a very large expense next year should they not be planning for it now? Waiting for the crisis may be the pattern for county government but it by no means is the best way to operate.

Another question is what price will be extracted this year. Giving a program, any program, to the federal government is never a wise decision as it always takes away from our choices. Will these new "free" meals be tied to Mrs. Obama's requirement that all children, but her's, be fed a certain diet. Last year millions of dollars of uneaten food was thrown away by school systems that yielded to the politically correctness of feeding vegetables and fruits to growing teenagers whose bodies craved meat and potatoes. Children went home hungry and raided the refrigerator and pantry and any other possible place where "real" food might be found.  Is a meal that is thrown into the trash a meal worth having at any cost? A growing body needs and deserves fuel for that growth somehow lettuce, broccoli and bean sprouts just don't get the job done.

My hope is that good, nutritious, desirable meals will be served and eaten, instead of thrown in the trash, and the federal funding will be complete but only time will tell and history is not on our side.    .

Sunday, June 01, 2014

Is There A Need For A Democratic Primary?

Why are so many people who are active in the democrat party running for office as independents? Is it because they don't have a democratic primary to run in? 

I spoke with a democrat recently and they suggested this topic as they were rather put off by well known democrats not wanting to be identified with their party. 

I think that were I a democrat I also would not want to be identified with Obama the most secretive lawbreaking and worst president ever, Biden the idiot vice president that can't put three words together without embarrassing everyone, Harry Reid the most corrupt liar to ever become a multimillionaire from being a senator, Nancy Pelosi whose last brain cell died many years ago and now isn't smart enough to stay on her psychotropic medications. Why would anyone want to be identified with the baby killing amnesty for illegal aliens and special benefits for those unwilling to work? 
After all the accomplishments of the democrats and pretend conservatives such as high unemployment; high gas prices;  astronomical utilities and cost of food along with a national debt that our great grandchildren will still be paying on a hundred years from now, then add to that a general malaise that the nations best is behind us and who can blame those pesky democrats for wanting to remain hidden.