Is It Legal, Is It Ethical, Is It Reasonable?
The EDC/IDB because of some very questionable decisions and actions are named in a multi-million dollar lawsuit. Of course the city and county taxpayers are the ones who will ultimately pay the price for some of these very arrogant decisions. You can read about that in the following post.
The question is with the EDC, the IDB, the city and eventually the county all having separate attorneys who is paying the very high attorney fees? Well it seems at least for the IDC a very unique way of finding the money for such expenses has been found without alerting the public or even the County Legislative Body to the fact.
Here's a very nice scenario a local banker representing the IDB loans money to that group. Property is sold but instead of the money being used to pay off the asset that was sold it is actually used to pay attorney fees leaving the county and city taxpayer to continue paying the mortgage on the sold property. Wow, that's like selling your house and instead of paying the mortgage holder you take all the money and buy a new car and expensive vacation then tell the mortgage holder that you're filing bankruptcy. Basically you take the money intended for one thing and spend it on another then let someone else pay. That certainly seems to be the way IDC has chosen to operate.
According to the minutes of a City Work Session dated 20
May 2013 with Aldermen Jeff Hatfield, Charles Jenkins, James Gentry, Pat Miles
present along with City Attorney Andy Hoover, City Administrator Terry Harrison
and Mayor Pat Ford.
This statement appears in those minutes;
“Mayor Ford has
spoken with Mark Hayes, IDB Rep, regarding the use of money from the sale of
land from Integrity. This money is being used to pay for attorney fees relative
to litigations with Wilson Stevenson. Mr. Hayes was advised by the banks to
bring this to the City’s attention.”
If this is not one of the most underhanded tricks played on the taxpayer it certainly is high on the list.
While I don't expect anything other than the usual blank stare and curled lip from the County Executive I do expect more from the County Legislative Body.
My question is when will they act (certainly some have tried to stop this kind of madness but have met nothing but the frustration of stonewalls) and put a stop to this madness.